Thursday, December 10, 2009

Seperate State! did we achieve it???

There are so many open questions which needs to be answered by the Govt..

- Will Hyderabad be in Telangana or will it become Union Territory?
- What is the share of water of major rivers Godavari and Krishna between Andhra and Telangana?
- What happens to 610 GO and other GO's that support Telangana and oppose Telangana?

- Whether Telangana people just wanted the seperate state or their development?
- Development of Telangana not possible as part of A.P? Why? Who should take the blame?

- After we form a new state what are the things that should a new govt do to improve the conditions?

I dont think a seperate state as a whole will answer these questions..but we need people (Netas) who does work and who are interested in developing Telanagana Region..


  1. Well, I think the demand for separate state is for the root cause of no developemnt. How ever, apart from that no one would tolarate if one insults your language, your accent, your culture. I think its high time to get separated as there is no respect, and affection in between.

  2. Yep...u said it correct..its really high time

  3. Mastaru, I have few questions to clarify myself after reading your post.Nothing to be serious.

    Can you give me examples of where small states have shown development ? At least can you show me the +ves happened because of existing separated states ?
    Every one are able to see growing issues with the states like Jarkhand, Chattisgad,Uttaranchal.
    (Political instability, Increased Corruption, Naxalism)

    Before all these things happened can you show me real examples of hatred/disrespect between two regions ? Show me the examples of Telangana settlers showing disrespect to the region/culture where they settled ?

    Regarding the exploitation of opportunities aren't we the software engineers working in chennai/Bangalore doing the same to the local people.There will be at least 30-40% telugu people or more than that working as s/w engineers in Bangalore & Cheanni and the similar % of local people who are engineers could be settled for less payed jobs because of not able to make in the competition.Aren't we taking away their bread ? Won't these people get better opportunities than now we didn't come to their way ?

    Even after the separation the same leaders are going to rule.How will
    thy make the difference ?

    TDP (Devendar Goud 2nd in TDP), TRS (KCR Minister in TDP and One time Central Minister), The most senior leaders of AP Congress(KK,KAKA,MSR etc).How all the above leaders who served AP for long time will make the difference when they couldn't make it when they have the power ?

    And the basic aren't there undeveloped places in non telangana areas ? Why still every year people From non telangana go to telangana and to other parts of india for work ?

  4. Hello Lakshmi the kishore you commented to your post is your hcl friend kishore

  5. Seperation-advantages to Telangana
    Might get more funds to Telangana...
    Smaller the state the better the administration...
    water! Water!! WATER!!!
    Education (more schools, colleges, universities)

    Regarding exploitation of opportunities...when Indian states formed no one said that people from one state cant work in other state but when Telangana formed it was clearly mentioned that "Jobs in Telangana must be given to people residing in Telangana".

    Non Telangana people come to Hyderabad mostly for lively hood but people from Telangana goto Andhra for livelihood!! Under developed places are everywhere in Andhra Pradesh but there are more such places in Telangana.

  6. More funds i agree, Who are going to manage them ? Aren't the same politicians who ruled since 50 years and didn't make any difference though they are part of both central and state ministers ?

    Better Administration ? Shall i say jarkhand, Chattishghad, Uttarnchal are better managed since their formation ?

    Water i agree.

    Reg implementation of GO i guess we know whom to blame, But i am sure people from this side are not the reason

    Where is Osmania,Jntu,Pilani,IBS,REC and where is IIT coming up ?

    Migration from developed places to non developed places is common through out the world.Can we stop it ? Do want things happening with Sivasena in Mumbai ?

    There are inequalities in terms of development in every state ? Is separation a solution wherever inequalities exist ?
