Sunday, May 30, 2010

Shoeshine boy aces IIT entrance exam!!!

This is Truly an inspiring story of Mr.Abhishek who cracked the IIT-JEE 2010, despite he has no power in his house. 


Abhishek, who secured 154th rank in the SC category of IIT entrance test, now wants to propel his dreams by pursuing aerospace engineering at IIT-Kanpur here.

His father earns Rs 60-70 daily and mother stitches old clothings to earn money. But "this has never held them back from facilitating our education," Abhishek says, dedicating his success to his parents.

"We have just one small room where six of us live and that too without electricity. So, he used to study under the lantern for five-six hours in the night," says his father Rajendra Prasad.
The family could not even think of providing coaching to Abhishek. "But by God's grace, a teacher of a coaching insitute helped him out," he says.
But even in the time of happiness, poverty haunts the family. "I am worried about the fees. From where can I manage the amount? This question is troubling my mind but even if I have to sell myself, I am ready for it," Prasad said.

Full story : Abhishek

1 comment:

  1. Very useful information provided... Its useful to every IIT aspirants though...

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