Saturday, October 9, 2010

Heart Shaped Pond at Chembra Peak!

There's a Heart shaped pond on the way to the Chembra Peak trek at Wayanad, you'd be here at this place after about 2-3 hours of strenuous trek. This is the best view of the pond i could get, as we couldn't complete the trek, since we started the trek very late around 1pm :( and we had to report back before 4pm, coz the general day trek slot is around 8am to 4pm.

You'll get the perfect view of the heart shape after around 30 more mins of trek!

We spotted this another dried up pond forming the similar shape.

Final destination is around 1 hour away, from this heart shaped pond's place.

You can also go for a 2 day trek, where you can spend that night at the peak in the trek tents that you carry with you and the security/police will guard you during the night time.


  1. sounds great.. iv not gone to waynad yet..

  2. Thanks!! its a great plcae to visit and we are looking forward to complete this trek asap :)

  3. Nice post. Thanks for sharing. Check out more about Chembra Peak.
